Tuesday May 07, 2024
Fascial Hygiene and Regulating Nervous System with Brooke from Musical Breathwork Self Expansion Podcast 16
Brooke, founder of Musical Breathwork, discusses her journey from being a musician and golfer to becoming interested in fascia and breathwork. She explains how she learned about proper breathwork at a young age and how it helped her in golf. Brooke also shares her insights on the relationship between adrenaline and performance in sports, as well as techniques for regulating the nervous system.
She delves into the importance of fascia and its role in the body, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to fascia release. Brooke highlights the significance of hyaluronic acid and its impact on fascial health. She advocates for maintaining fascial hygiene throughout life to prevent age-related issues. In this part of the conversation,
Brooke discusses the importance of starting from the ground up when it comes to healing and optimizing the body. She emphasizes the role of the feet and how tension in the lateral band can affect the neck and shoulders.
Brooke also talks about the importance of taking care of the fascia and offers her Deep Fascia Reset course as a way to do so. She mentions the need for a shift in mindset and the normalization of fascia care, comparing it to the adoption of regular teeth brushing. The conversation also touches on the history of how our understanding of the body has evolved and the potential for future advancements in fascia care. In this conversation,
Brooke discusses the importance of fascia and breath in optimizing the body's electromagnetic field. She explains that the body is like a radio tower, emitting and receiving signals, and that by improving fascia health and breath control, we can enhance our ability to perceive and interact with the world around us. Brooke also explores the concept of glial cells and their potential role in the body's magnetic nature. She touches on electroculture, the practice of using electrical currents to enhance plant growth, and highlights the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Brooke shares her upcoming deep fascia release course, which aims to help individuals optimize their fascia health and improve their overall well-being.
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